Wednesday 14 October 2015

Getting back up…

Before you read the title and turn away, I assure you that this is not a motivational, you can do it, pick yourself up dust yourself up sort of read….. That’s what’s commonplace. I want to look at a different angle of getting back up.

I know that most if not all of us at some point or another have experienced loss, failure, downfall, lows whatever it is you call that moment…or those moments. We’ve all been there. We all react differently and it takes us different lengths of time to bounce back. It’s a tough side to life that is hard to deal with but it’s also one of the most inspiring and insightful aspects in life…because of what I refer to as ‘the beauty from ashes moments’….(read on, I’ll explain). How spectacular and beautiful are those moments? It’s those moments that make me not dread the failures ahead.

Here are a few things about getting back up that I have learnt throughout the years, I really really hope that they are helpful and that somehow you will relate.

1. Failures are a matter of ‘if they are a matter of ‘when’

A work colleague was sharing what she had heard in church during a women’s conference on Saturday. She said “we were taught that God allows trials in our life and temptations come from the devil…” she went on further to say that “it’s not a matter of if they will come it’s a matter of when…” There was so much power in those words that I had to grab the closest chair next to me and just sit for a while. She went on talking about the sermon and other things but I couldn’t pay attention. I was no longer with her. I was having a major aha moment. A God-filled aha moment. It’s when she said it that I realised that I have been living in fear of challenges and hard times. I wanted a life without them. I always questioned God. ‘God why is it that I can’t wake up every day and have a brilliant day without hurdles? Why is it that I can’t just ask for something without having to go through strife and wars? Why do I have to wait for long periods of time?’ It hit me like a tonne of bricks. It’s not if, it’s when. If you live today henceforth with that attitude, Christian or non-Christian, your life will be forever transformed. You no longer have to waste time fearing or questioning; you’ll transform yourself into a person of action.

2. Build a solid and sound foundation

I cannot stress this point enough!!! I really can’t and for the purpose of not making another long blog post. I will not attempt to. Having the right foundation is everything when building structures; so why wouldn’t the same apply in life? Given that you don’t know what specific falls/challenges/failures await you in the next 5 seconds, 5 minutes, 5 months or even 5 years there are certain principles you can adopt in order to cushion the falls and not only cushion the falls but to even anticipate the falls and create positivity from them i.e. using your latest failure to cope with the next one.
The most full proof foundation I have ever come across in all my years on this earth is constant prayer and reading of the word of God each and every day.

3. You are not a victim of your circumstances; you are a victim of how you perceive your circumstances.

I read this on my way to work in a lovely book called Help! My Chocolate is Melting by Wale Akinyemi.  Now before you think this is a sponsored blog I want to clarify and assure you that it isn’t. I have never endorsed Wale or his work and I don’t even know him personally. But his words are just so true. When I read these words I couldn’t help but make that awful page crease that my sister hates and take a pen and underline and circle the words on the page for the next reader.
Since in life failures are a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if’, there is really no need to add onto them. There’s no need to make yourself become a victim of your negative situations/circumstances. In my experience, it’s a really easy habit to form and a very very very very very hard one to break. Throwing yourself a pity party, singing the woe me woe me woe me woe me songs…. have never ever done me any good in fact it’s the reverse.

4. Beauty from ashes moments >.<

I have learned to look forward to these moments and don’t get me wrong I’m not talking about ‘the light at the end on the tunnel’… I mean having those moments of clarity, creativity, joy, positivity whatever you call them. Having those moments while you’re in the thick of it, while you’re getting back up. And before you write me off as simplistic or overly optimistic, these moments do exist. They are there even in the direst of circumstances; like death or terminal illness or bankruptcy.
They are there!!! Sometimes they came at you unexpectedly, sometimes you have to search for them; I mean really search for them. But they are there so please do acknowledge them and hold on to them because the result of that is beauty from ashes.

I know getting back up is extremely difficult to do especially after several falls and bruises however if you set your alarm clock and wake up it means that God is not yet done with you; so you get another day to fight on in getting back up no matter the circumstance. Take heart!!!